"You shall love your neighbor as yourself...." Matthew 22:39
Who are my neighbors in life and how do I love them? This page answers that question, from my perspective.
Who are my neighbors in life and how do I love them? This page answers that question, from my perspective.
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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Temporibus consectetur amet blanditiis commodi atque voluptas repellendus alias. Autem, commodi exercitationem.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Temporibus consectetur amet blanditiis commodi atque voluptas repellendus alias. Autem, commodi exercitationem.
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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Quam repellendus, ut voluptatem similique laborum, porro beatae cum accusantium quisquam animi est aut tempora.
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Subscribe to 4in10 to get full access to our platform, which was created to help you become more profitable.Pricing is $2,000 per year, or $250 per month; Unless you need massive amounts of storage space, which most small businesses don’t need.
Subscribe to 4in10 to get full access to our platform, which was created to help you become more profitable.Pricing is $2,000 per year, or $250 per month; Unless you need massive amounts of storage space, which most small businesses don’t need.
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I know what it's like to be a startup, and to build a business from the ground up. It's not easy, and this is one of the neighbors I'm passionate about loving. I strive to provide them what they need, just as I would have wanted to be supported in the early years of building my own business.
I love my family and crave to be the best husband, father, son, sibling and extended family member possible. But I continually strive to be the best person I'm meant to be. And the better I am, the better I love, lead and support my family. I wish my love for my family to be a reflection of God's love for me.
My heart goes out for those who want to know God, to feel loved by God, and to be supported by other believers. My neighbors, from a church perspective, are those looking for a life of significance, and those who truly love and support these individuals. I strive to intentionally live a life that supports these neighbors.
There are countless neighbors journeying through life with me, who lack support and resources, to live purposeful lives of their own. They need someone to provide them love. Every world problem represents a neighbor in need. I love these individuals and am actively taking steps to demonstrate love through action.