Homework Assignments & Example

This page is designed to help you share who you are, who your serve, and who you need to meet. Not only does this assist with accountability for what needs to be done between training sessions, but it also helps you get to know everyone else who's taking the course. 

To view an example of what you need to do, please click the button below. 


Achieving profitability is easier said than done


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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Temporibus consectetur amet blanditiis commodi atque voluptas repellendus alias. Autem, commodi exercitationem.


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Temporibus consectetur amet blanditiis commodi atque voluptas repellendus alias. Autem, commodi exercitationem.

Providing affordable profitability is why we exist.

We Understand the Challenge

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We're Addressing the Challenge

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How to Benefit from 4in10


Complete Onboarding

Subscribe to 4in10 to get full access to our platform, which was created to help you become more profitable.Pricing is $2,000 per year, or $250 per month; Unless you need massive amounts of storage space, which most small businesses don’t need.


Complete Onboarding

Subscribe to 4in10 to get full access to our platform, which was created to help you become more profitable.Pricing is $2,000 per year, or $250 per month; Unless you need massive amounts of storage space, which most small businesses don’t need.


Complete Onboarding

Subscribe to 4in10 to get full access to our platform, which was created to help you become more profitable.Pricing is $2,000 per year, or $250 per month; Unless you need massive amounts of storage space, which most small businesses don’t need.


Complete Onboarding

Subscribe to 4in10 to get full access to our platform, which was created to help you become more profitable.Pricing is $2,000 per year, or $250 per month; Unless you need massive amounts of storage space, which most small businesses don’t need.

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There’s no better time than now, to begin the 4in10 process of increasing your
profitability. Click the button “Subscribe Now” button to get started!

Networker Profiles (Homework)


I do this by striving to be the world's second greatest resource at building a truly profitable business. When someone starts a purpose driven business, and they want to solve real problems that exist in the world, I want to help them. But one of the greatest challenges they will likely face is that they don't know how to build a profitable business. If they aren't profitable, they will be limited in their ability to positively impact the lives of their clients or customers. So, I help them by providing them the support I wish I'd been provided when I started my first business in 2015. I was profitable from year one, but that doesn't mean it was easy. Only 40% of businesses in the United States are profitable. And they often can't afford the support they need. And what they can afford is often what they don't need, even though they think it is. What you find on my "How I Serve" page is a list of the ways in which I demonstrate my love to business owners. My businesses are a ministry of love.

Loving my family requires action, not just words. This means I must live an example of love. And to live an example of love I must first take care of myself. If I can't take care of myself then how can I really take care of those I care about. And if I can't take care of them, then am I really loving them well? To take care of myself I focus on making sure I know my purpose in life, and align my actions with that purpose. Then, I strive to live a life that is healthy, so limitations of health don't prevent me from fulfilling my purpose. I also focus on education. To fulfill my purpose, I must know what to do and how to do it. That involves the ability to acquire and apply knowledge. Also, I must be financially secure. The reach I have in helping others is directly impacted by the financial wealth at my disposal. The more financial resources I have available to me, the more good I can do, and the more effectively I can fulfill my purpose in loving others. Then, the next step in loving my family is to make sure each family member has clarity on their own purpose, and also has the health, education and financial wealth they need... in order to achieve their own lives of fulfillment. By taking care of myself, I can more effectively take care of my family members. In turn, they can pass their love on from generation to generation. This enables me to love my family in ways that will ultimately result in countless family members being positively impacted by my love today.

There are a couple ways in which I love the church. First is to support the church as a unit. Many churches are struggling to connect with the individuals they wish to serve. They also struggle to properly support, love, and guide those they are connected to. This often results in more harm than good. And while the church may have the best of intentions, pushing people away from God is not an effective way to love God with all your heart and to love your neighbor as yourself. Businesses experience the same type of challenges. They often struggle to attract buyers. And when they do attract prospective buyers, they sometimes have difficulty properly supporting, loving and guiding those who need what the business owner is selling. Part of my loving the church is to create systems for the church, just as I've done... and am continuing to do, for the small business owner. Many of the systems are almost the same, but just require slight modifications. Ultimately, I will provide the church of any size the resources necessary to effectively attract and love those they connect with. The second way for me to love the church is to help the individual who is part of the global church. I know how to do this on a mass scale. At the moment, I'm simply limited by resources. As time goes by though, and I continue to help more people, my resources will increase. And I will be able to provide what's needed to help people be the best they can be. This means I will be able to help those who want to know God, and love others, do so well.

If you want to make a lot of money, help a lot of people. While my objective is not to make a lot of money, part of my purpose is to help a lot of people. And as such, I will make a lot of money. And while I'm doing well financially, what I'm doing now will pale in comparison to what I will make in the years to come. As my wealth grows, I will be able to invest more into creating resources to solve more problems that exist in the world. And while that's one way to love the world, I know I won’t live forever. So, my ability to ensure I'm helping others is limited. However, I intend to create a foundation, designed to last 365 years from the date it's formed. I will create a charter that aligns with my vision for solving world problems. The goal is to have at least 100 billion dollars in the foundation, so it's well funded and able to address world problems at scale. There will be more to share about this later, but for now, this should provide some insight on my approach to loving the world.

The best way to support me is to support my businesses. Go to my "How I Serve" page, and see what I'm doing. There are plenty of ways to assist me in helping small business owners. Allowing me to help you, either as a business owner or as someone who assists business owners, is what I need. The more people I can help, the better! And please share what I'm doing with those you come across, who need what I provide. As the saying goes, "sharing is caring." I appreciate any support you can provide. And thank you for asking.

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